His Excellency Kasimba Noah, the Guild President of Nkumba University, has officially relieved the Guild Cabinet Secretary from his duties on grounds of incompetence and misconduct. This decision was put into immediate effect by virtue of the provisions maintained in the Nkumba University Guild Constitution, giving the Guild President the prerogative to dismiss any member of the guild for incompetence or misconduct.
In a formal letter written to the now-former Cabinet Secretary, the Guild President cited failure in the performance of duties, unprofessional behavior, and non-conduct in regard to responsibilities that were stipulated within the Guild Constitution. According to the letter, attempts had been made to handle these issues on many occasions; however, it said that the continued failure of the Cabinet Secretary in taking action necessarily means their dismissal from office.
The cited reasons for removal were the Cabinet Secretary’s failure to perform such duties outlined in the job description of the Guild Cabinet Secretary and unprofessional conduct towards the Guild leadership. This was said to compromise the integrity and effectiveness of the guild office and eroded confidence in his ability to hold office.
He has also been asked to vacate office forthwith and return all guild property, including documents and equipment. The letter has also called for cooperation during the transition process so that there is a smooth handover of the responsibilities.
The decision has been communicated to the relevant university authorities, including the Dean of Students, the Speaker of Parliament, and the Attorney General of the Guild.
The students of Nkumba University are, therefore, expected to closely follow this development as the Guild prepares for a smooth transition and reorganization within its leadership.