Gulu University is pleased to release the mature age Entry Scheme Admission List for the 2024/2025 Academic Year. The List of government-sponsored and private-registered successful candidates to Gulu University. Applause to those who have been admitted!
What is a Mature Age Entry Scheme?
Mature Age Entry Scheme is one of the unique admissions, thus really being very accommodative to those experienced people who don’t possess meet the entry requirements of a university and also have gained urban skills through time served at work. The scheme acknowledges life experience and practical knowledge, giving a second chance to many aspiring students.
Admission List Noteworthy Points:
Government-Sponsored Programs: Candidates who have been taken in under the government-sponsored programs will be assisted in their finances with tuition and other important fees. This allows them to pursue their higher studies better in favor of better-constrained students financially.
Private-Sponsored Programs: Candidates who have been taken in under the private-sponsored programs will have to sponsor their studies. Under the private programs, one can easily find a number of different subjects and a range of flexibility for candidates to choose from.
Download the Admission List: Click on the relevant link to download below:
- Gulu University Mature Age Entry Scheme (Government) Admission List 2024/2025
- Gulu University Mature Age Entry Scheme (Private) Admission List 2024/2025
The Mature Age Entry Scheme opens a golden opportunity for one to further his or her academic career. Congratulations to all successful applicants for gaining admission, and all the best as you commence in the academic pursuit at Gulu University.